We are proud to be your female health care specialists. Principle X makes it easy to find the services that you’re looking for without confusion so you can stay focused on living life.

Getting a referral for a gynecological consultation

Valid Canadian Healthcare Coverage

All patients with valid Canadian healthcare coverage require a referral from a BC physician. This can be done either by your current family physician, nurse practitioner,  or via one of the virtual healthcare platforms available in Canada, e.g. Babylon Health by Telus Health. 

Non-Canadian Healthcare Patients

Patients without Canadian healthcare coverage do not need a referral and can phone the clinic directly to schedule an appointment.

New Gynecology Patients

If you’re a new patient to our clinic and your appointment has been confirmed, please complete the intake form below. This will allow us to order first line investigations prior to your first visit if needed.

The form below is a Fraser Health surgical form. This is only needed for potential surgical patients. Only download and complete this if instructed to do so by the office. 

Email communications

We use a secure third party service, MEDEO, to provide email communications for our current gynecological patients. 


We will send you an email with an invitation to create an account which will allow us to communicate via email. You can alternatively also download the MEDEO Virtual Healthcare application on your phone to send and receive emails from Principle X

Surgical Information

Preoperative Information

Once you’ve decided to proceed with surgery you’ll be placed on the surgical waitlist. Your surgery will be done at Burnaby General Hospital.

After your surgical date has been confirmed you will receive a phone call from Burnaby Hospital Pre-Admission clinic. They will arrange, if needed, further blood work, anesthesia consult, etc. They can be reached at: 604 434 4211 – ask for Pre-Admission Clinic.

The hospital will provide the clinic with the finalized OR schedule including estimated surgical start times. We will then contact you to inform you of your surgical time.

Day of Surgery

No eating or drinking from 12am the night before your surgery unless otherwise instructed by the pre admission nurse. 

We will contact you with your surgical time once finalized by the hospital. This happens a few days prior to your surgery.

Arrive 2 hours prior to your estimated time of surgery. Register at the admission desk, located on the first floor of the hospital, or with the emergency nurse if indicated by signage. Once registered you’ll proceed to the 4th floor, preoperative admission, where you’ll get prepared for surgery.

Please note the actual time of surgery can be variable as emergencies can arise causing delays in the actual booked time. 

Cancellation of surgery

Cancellations are unfortunately unavoidable at times and out of our control. If your surgery was cancelled you’ll be rescheduled for surgery by our office. 

Insurance forms and sick notes

Should you have any insurance forms or require a sick leave note, please contact the office so we can assist you with these. There is a service fee for form completion as this is not covered by MSP.

Postoperative information

After your surgery, you’ll either be discharged home on the same day or be admitted to the hospital. Once discharged home Dr. Smith will call you in a few days to review your pathology report (if applicable).

You can shower 24 hours after surgery. Dressings can be removed in 1 week. If you wish you can continue with paper tape dressings (see scar reduction techniques).

Dr. Smith will see you back in follow-up in 6-8 weeks, unless you had an endometrial ablation (Novasure) in which case Dr. Smith will see you back in 12 weeks.

Please phone the office with any questions or concerns after your surgery.

Scar reduction techniques

Use of Paper Tape:

  • Paper surgical tape, eg. 3M Micropore tape, can be purchased at most pharmacies
  • Apply tape firmly on the scar in the same direction as the incision
  • Leave tape on until it peels off (usually 7-14 days)
  • Rehydrate the skin with a moisturiser cream for 24 hours then reapply tape
  • This can be continued for 3-6 months

Scar massage:

  • This can start 4 weeks after surgery by applying gentle pressure on the scar a few times a day. 

Sun avoidance:

  • Avoid sun exposure on the scar for 12 months

Principle X offers you so much more

We’ll work closely beside you from the very start to ensure your concerns are addressed and you receive the proper guidance you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly dedicated team. You are welcome to call Principle X at (236) 521-7252 who will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Alternatively, you can email us at and we will provide you with any additional information you may need.

Principle X is here to address all your necessary female health and aesthetics needs. We provide an extensive range of services that can help you look and feel your very best. It is our mission to help you experience the confidence and feminine health you deserve.

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